Your Library Card
Your Library Card for MCCPL
(Effective 7/1/12)
Montgomery City-County Public Library (MCCPL) cards are issued to citizens of all ages. Children's cards require a parent's or guardian's signature. You may apply for a library card at any branch of our Public Library. A patron may have only one valid library card at any one time.
Library cards are free to all Montgomery County residents, to all employees of both the City of Montgomery and Montgomery County, and to all employees of agencies that receive over 50% of their funding from the City or County.
People applying for a library card must present documents that confirm their status as a resident of Montgomery County, Alabama. Acceptable documents are as follows:
- Alabama Driver's License
- Current utility bill in applicant's name with current address
- Motor vehicle registration at the current address
- Imprinted check with the current address
- Current lease/rental agreement
- Property tax statement for your current residence
If you do not choose to provide the Alabama Driver's License, then you must present any two of the other documents with current residential information printed by the issuer of the document.
Out-of-County (OCC) borrowers who live within a 50-mile radius of Montgomery County may apply for an OCC library card for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per year. These borrowers may borrow media material as well for a separate non-refundable Media Service Fee of $30.00 per year in addition to the out-of-county library card fee.
Out-of-County borrowers who live beyond a 50-mile radius of Montgomery County may apply for an OCC library card for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per year. These borrowers may borrow media material as well for a separate non-refundable Media Service Fee of $50.00 per year in addition to the out-of-county library card fee.
Out-of-County residents who are employees of the City of Montgomery or Montgomery County or agencies funded more than 50% by the City or County may receive a library card at no charge, with proof of employment.
Families living outside Montgomery County may apply for a library card for a non-refundable fee of $75.00 per year and may borrow media material for an additional non-refundable Media Service Fee of $30.00 per year. A "family" for this purpose is defined as one lineage living in the same home. Additional cards may be issued to individuals of the family for a single OCC card fee of $50.00 per year.
As a courtesy extended to our public schools, Montgomery Public School (MPS) teachers living outside Montgomery County may secure an out-of-county library card for a non-refundable fee of $15.00 per year with appropriate Alabama identification per library card issuance policies and proof of employment with MPS. Non-MPS teachers living outside Montgomery County may secure an OCC for the rates indicated above for non-residents.
In addition, all students attending college at one of the colleges/universities, trade schools, etc., in Montgomery County and residing in Montgomery County are allowed the same privileges as residents of Montgomery County.
Institutional Library Cards
An Institutional Library Card (ILC) is available to the business and professional community who have a presence in Montgomery County. The ILC should be used to support the information needs of the organizations and is not to take the place a personal library card. There is no fee for the card. The local organization should either send a letter to Library Administration requesting an application for an ILC card or stop by Library Administration to complete the application. The organization is held responsible for all late fees, fines and lost material checked out on the card.
Replacement library card fee: $2.00